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GP SMS Pack 2021| New Offer with Low Price

Today we are going to share GP SMS Pack 2021 that provides a fantastic GP SMS bundle. You will get complete details about the latest Grameenphone SMS Pack. So that this post will be very helpful for all Grameenphone users to buy an SMS Pack GP. Read this GP SMS offer completely. I hope you will get all the best GP SMS offer 2021 and GP unlimited SMS pack.

Bangladesh's number one telecommunication company Grameenphone has introduced a new SMS pack in the new year to its customers. We have collected some important GP SMS pack for you, that can help you to find your best monthly SMS pack.

gp sms pack


1. GP SMS Pack 2021 (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days GP SMS Pack (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days)

2. GP SMS Offer 2021 (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days Plan থেকে SMS কিভাবে কিনবেন? (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days)

2. GP 50 SMS 7 Days - 2 Taka (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days And Conditions (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days)

3. GP 25 SMS 1 Day - 1 Taka (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days And Conditions (GP SMS Pack 2021: GP 500 SMS 30 Days)

We also share this post about GP SMS pack 30 days, GP 2000 SMS offer, GP unlimited SMS pack, emergency GP SMS, GP 100 SMS 30 days and GP postpaid SMS bundle offers. So let's started all about it. So don't worry! (Note: See GP internet offer 2021 (GP Internet Offer 2021: GP MB Offer))Most people don't know how can I buy 500 SMS on Grameenphone? In this article, we will discuss how can you buy 500 SMS in Grameenphone in only 5 BDT and how can I get 200 SMS in GP? (Note: If you are a GP user you can buy this GP minute offer 2021 (GP Minute Offer 2021: Best Offer List).)

**GP SMS Pack 2021**

Grameenphone Ltd. is the largest mobile telecommunications operator in Bangladesh in terms of revenue, coverage and subscriber base. They provide always the best lowest price GP SMS pack to its customer. For this reason and some other fantastic offers Grameenphone growth its popularity.

**Best GP SMS Pack**

Grameenphone has too many daily, weekly and monthly bases SMS packages. But we think this five GP SMS pack 2021 is the best SMS pack for a Grameenphone customer. These top 5 GP SMS Package details can be found below. These packages SMS pack can use any mobile operator.

SMS Pack


Active Code


25 SMS

1 Taka


1 Day

100 SMS

5 Taka


3 Days

**GP SMS Offer 2021**

Recently GP provides some fantastic GP SMS offer 2021. Nowadays messaging is a running trend because everybody wants to send a message with their friends and family mobile number for better communication. That’s why the mobile operator offers various SMS packages at a very low cost. Moreover, Grameenphone provides so many SMS offers than any other mobile company. See below all GP SMS offer 2021. (Get Airtel SMS Pack 2021 (Airtel SMS Pack 2021))

50 SMS

30 Days

https://www.grameenphone.com/flexi-plan/your-plan/102303TK 06 ()

200 SMS

30 Days

https://www.grameenphone.com/flexi-plan/your-plan/102311TK 11 ()

500 SMS

30 Days

https://www.grameenphone.com/flexi-plan/your-plan/102319TK 19 ()

1000 SMS

30 Days

https://www.grameenphone.com/flexi-plan/your-plan/128108TK 35 ()

**Flexi Plan থেকে SMS কিভাবে কিনবেন?**

যে সকল গ্রামিনফোন ব্যবহারকারী MyGP App ব্যবহার করছেন, তারা সহজে MyGP App ব্যবহার করে পছন্দমত GP SMS Pack কিনতে পারবেন। কিন্তু যারা MyGP App ব্যবহার করছেন না তাদের ক্ষেত্রে উপরে প্রদত্ত প্রত্যেকটি SMS Pack এর পাশে লাল কালারের লেখা Flexi Plan লিংকটিতে ক্লিক করে আপনার পছন্দমত SMS Pack কিনতে পারবেন। নিচের চিত্রে দেখুন-

উপরের চিত্রের তীর চিহ্নিত অংশে আপনার কাঙ্খিত মোবাইল নাম্বারটি লিখে দিতে হবে। মোবাইল নাম্বার দেওয়ার পর Pay With অংশে Mobile Balance সিলেক্ট করে নীল রংয়ের Continue বাটনে ক্লিক করতে হবে। Continue বাটনে ক্লিক করা মাত্র আপনার মোবাইলে একটি কোড আসবে।

এখানে উপরের তীর চিহ্নিত অংশে আপনার মোবাইলে আসা কোডটি বসিয়ে নীল কালারের Buy Now বাটনে ক্লিক করতে হবে। Buy Now এ ক্লিক করা মাত্র আপনার কাঙ্খিত GP SMS Pack একটিভ হবে। (নোটঃ আপনার মোবাইলে অবশ্যই কাঙ্খিত পরিমান ব্যালেন্স জমা থাকতে হবে)

**GP 500 SMS 30 days - 19 Taka**

My GP is the official app from Grameenphone, the leading telecommunications company in Bangladesh. As such, the app lets you manage all aspects of your user account, letting you see your rates, renew your plan, add credit, etc. Best of all, you can do all this from a simple and elegant interface. By using My GP app, you can easily buy this 500 SMS pack only 19 taka.

**GP 200 SMS 30 days - 11 Taka**

This is another monthly best GP SMS pack. If you are a heavy SMS user then you should buy this package. If you want to buy this SMS pack then you should download MyGp mobile app. Using MyGp mobile application you can buy this SMS package to the following method.

**GP 100 SMS 4 days - 7 Taka**

This is to inform valued Grameenphone customers that from 4th November 2019 the below mentioned SMS packages. All prepaid customers can buy this excellent 100 SMS pack. You can use this SMS package (GP-GP). If you need only GP to GP SMS pack then you can buy this GP SMS Pack.

**Terms and Conditions**

* To buy this SMS Pack, dial *121*1015*1#

* This GP SMS Pack expires on 04 days

* This SMS Pack priced at 7 Taka

* You can use this SMS Pack (GP-GP)

* VAT associated with this SMS Pack

* This SMS Pack can purchase multiple times

* The rest of the SMS will not be used after the expiry

**GP 50 SMS 7 days - 2 Taka**

This is another best GP SMS Pack for a normal Grameenphone user. This is a low cost and short term SMS package. If you don't need so many SMS then you should purchase this GP SMS Pack.

**Terms and Conditions**

* To buy this SMS Pack, type "S3" and Sent 8426

* This GP SMS Pack expires on 7 days

* This SMS Pack priced at 2 Taka

* You can use this SMS Pack (GP-GP)

* VAT associated with this SMS Pack

* This SMS Pack can purchase multiple times

* The rest of the SMS will not be used after the expiry

**GP 25 SMS 1 day - 1 Taka**

This another GP low price SMS bundle pack 2021. This is the best GP SMS offer for Grameenphone customers. 25 SMS will be available for the only 1Tk from all GP numbers.

**Terms and Conditions**

* To buy this SMS Pack, dial *121*1015*2#

* This GP SMS Pack expires on 24 hours

* This SMS Pack priced at 1 Taka

* You can use this SMS Pack any local number

* VAT associated with this SMS Pack

* This SMS Pack can purchase multiple times

* This is a limited time SMS offer

* The rest of the SMS will not be used after the expiry

**How To Check GP SMS Balance?**

After buying any GP SMS Pack you should check your remaining SMS balance. But most of the people are don't know how to check Grameenphone SMS balance. By dialing the following short USSD code you can check your GP SMS balance.

* Dial this code *121*1*2#; *566*2#; *566*18#

**GP SMS Pack FAQ**

Most of people search on the internet to buy his proper GP SMS pack. But without knowing GP SMS pack code you can't buy a GP SMS pack or GP SMS bundle. So let's start all everything about GP SMS pack FAQ.

**How I can buy GP SMS?**

You can buy a GP SMS pack by dialing the USD code. You can also buy a GP SMS pack by using the MyGp mobile app and log in to your GP online account.

**How can I buy 500 SMS in Grameenphone?**

Most of people want to buy GP 500 SMS 30 days validity pack. But at this moment there has no GP 500 SMS 30 days code. If you want to buy GP SMS pack 500 you should use the MyGP app. By using the MyGp mobile app you can be able to buy easily GP 500 SMS 30 days pack.

**How can I get 200 SMS in GP?**

At present, there has no USD code to purchase GP 200 SMS packs. If you want to get 200 SMS in GP then you should use MyGP mobile app. You can also buy GP 200 SMS pack from the GP Flexi plan.

**How can I stop GP offer SMS?**

By can stop GP offers SMS to send a small message. To stop GP offer SMS go to your mobile handset message option and type Stop BB and send 22321 number. You can also do it by dialing *22321*3*2*2#

**Final Word**

Thanks for stay with us and longtime visiting GP SMS offer and GP SMS Pack. I hope that you have already got your best GP SMS pack for your messaging. If you have any questions or if you will face any problem purchase any SMS offer please feel free to comment below.

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